Wednesday, November 5, 2008

12 Months of Pure Joy!

I know I've been remiss in blogging. Life has been crazy with traveling, etc. I do have several posts waiting in the wings which I hope to get up here soon. For now, this post will have to do. I am amazed at how fast time has flown and that my little girl is now 1. Hope you enjoy this look at the last 12 months.


  1. Absolutely amazing!

  2. Hi! We are in the beginning stages of a Uganda adoption too. I would love to know more about your story - my e-mail is -
    Your little girl looks so precious! Happy Birthday!

  3. She's beautiful and absolutely amazing that's it's been 1 year since she joined your family. What an amazing adventure and blessing all rolled up in one little girl.

  4. Okay I just noticed your Uganda adoption ticker thing! I didn't know that! And are there three on there???? I think you need a post about that unless I missed it!

  5. AWWWWW. Miss that little girl terribly much.
