Tuesday, February 3, 2009

These could be our children...

As I watched the following video, I was not prepared for the deep emotions it would elicit. When the aid worker stated that "these could be our children", I broke down. This was filmed in Uganda and highlights just a small reason we are feeling God moving our hearts to adopt from this country. I hope this gives you a tool to pray for the orphans not only in Uganda, but all over this world. And perhaps it will help to encourage more of us to open our hearts and our homes to them.

"Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress..." James 1:27.

WARNING: Contents of this video could be emotionally disturbing to some.


  1. I thought, "Me? Break down? Nah, I can watch this. I can handle it."

    I sobbed.

    I know our babies are being cared for in the best possible way, but knowing this is where they may have started life is overwhelming.

    Thanks for sharing this video.

  2. This is incredibly moving...
    The part I can't seem to get over is that you have to pay any amount of money for these children. There should just be a bus...fill em up bring them home. I can't imagine having to watch this face to face as these workers did and not put these kids in a suitcase and bring them home.
    Praying for you always...
