Friday, February 6, 2009

We're Expecting!!!!

No, I'm not pregnant...but we are expecting! Yesterday I received one of the most wonderful phone calls any family can experience. It was the call to tell us that we had been matched with two beautiful boys who were chosen to join our family. We now have names and faces of the children God has specially chosen to be a part of our family. T & M are precious little men and their Momma can't wait to hold them in her arms and see their smiles. Although I can't post any other details...let me just say that our household is going to be BUSY! The Major and I couldn't be happier. Our sons are waiting for us in Africa and we are anxious to bring them home to our arms!


  1. This made me cry I'm so happy for you guys! CONGRATULATIONS!! God bless!! hugs!

  2. WOW!!! Congrats! Two boys!! How wonderfully exciting, please share more as you can!

  3. Congratulations!!! I can't wait until you can share their photos.

  4. Oh PRAISE GOD!!! How fun! S is going to be a GREAT big sister... or middle, or little sister! ;) You are all in my prayers!


  5. God is so good! WOW, Congratulations!!!!

    I so wish my certificate bungle would hurry up and get fixed and yet I know we are in the Master's Hands.

    We saw video of the home today! It was wonderful. It made me want to jump on a plane immediately. :o)

  6. I saw your comment on Melissa's blog! We have also adopted from the same place she has and were very happy with how things went. It wasn't always easy, not by any means, but after reading and hearing about quite a few other adoptions from that country that went south, I am amazed at how well it worked and how good God was to us! CONGRATULATIONS! There is nothing quite like "that call". :-)

    PS- We adopted two little ones from there too....a girl (age 18 months at the time) and a boy (age 2.5 at the time)

  7. So wonderful to hear! Praise God!!!!
